Thursday, May 31, 2012

Learning & Understanding ISO

My friend, Sandra Jackson, who has her own photography business, has decided to post some interesting blogs to help out those of us just starting out to help get a more hands on approach to techniques in photography.  So, for a better chance at learning something new, I have decided to partake in this adventure.  And so far, I'm glad that I am!  The first lesson was about Understanding ISO and how it works.  Read the lesson here on her blog:

Here's my "results" from her little homework assignment for us:

I am a very hands on person when it comes to learning.   I have read many books, heard advice from friends, played around with settings on my camera, but never until reading her post did I finally fully understand what the ISO changes meant because I actually had to do them on my own camera and post what I learned.

Thanks Sandra Jackson Photography for Lesson 1.  I look forward to more in the future!!! :-)


Spring is in the air!

Flowers are blooming, grass is turning greener, trees are beginning to show more signs of new growth and life.  What a perfect chance to grab a spring photo!


Thursday, May 3, 2012


Miss Madyson, also another one of my children, is learning to become quite the interesting subject in my photography journeys.  She loves to make me chase her around the yard just to try to snap a single good picture out of the 400 I have taken.  She's quite a character! I love getting a little Mommy and Me camera time with her when she's bright and cheery after nap time!

Fascinated by a flower!

You said what?!?!

Posing by our favorite tree!

Oh Mommy, these feel so soft!

Taking time to smell the flowers. :-)
